I’ve worked in a quilt shop a lot of years and if I had a nickel for every time I’ve told a customer how important it is to audition borders, well…..you know. On this quilt, I sure wish I’d followed my own advice.
Here are the blocks; a nice combination of red, green, brown and pink.
The border I picked looked perfect. It has all the same colors and is a really pretty print with a dark brown background.
So why didn’t it work?
It looks like the quilt center and border are separate. The border didn’t tie everything together like it should. I think the fabric is too busy and looks too light even though the background is dark. After it was all sewn together I was never very happy with it and that’s why it sat for a long time. Now it’s all finished and I’m still not crazy about it but it will soon be donated. Hopefully the recipient won’t be so critical!
I think it’s because the colors are in the border, but too subtle to be noticed from a distance. The only one I really pick out in the picture is the reddish one. Maybe a breaker border and binding of that green, instead of brown, might have helped. It doesn’t look *bad*, just not as stunning as it might have been. It’s still a beautiful quilt and someone will be happy with it.
I don’t think there is a recall, but it is a problem that the jettas have from 2000 on. They probably fixed yours for free because it was under warranty. If your brother’s is a 2000, then the warranty is probably expired and thats why they want to charge him for it. You were pretty lucky that yours happened under warranty, most of the time it happens afterwards.