Earlier in the week I was looking through a UFO bin and came across this top. With Independence Day only a week away I moved this to number one on the priority list!
I don’t know when I started this quilt or even what pattern it is. A quick internet search didn’t yield any results but the blocks are made with eight 2-1/2” x 4-1/2” rectangles (half red, half blue) and each rectangle has a 2-1/2” tan square as a connector corner. These units are then arranged to form stars. The center of the top was pieced but it didn’t have borders. I found a couple of fabrics that worked and sewed them on, then ran outside to take a quick picture, ironed the bottom border that somehow got REALLY wrinkled and loaded it on the frame. I even found some wide red backing fabric with tone-on-tone stars that works just fine for this quilt. If I get up early tomorrow morning I should have time to quilt it and machine sew the binding. Then I can hand stitch the binding while watching soccer later in the day.
In my spare time I’ve been trying to declutter a spare bedroom. Over the years it has become a repository for all kinds of stuff—crafts other than quilting, lots and lots of books, things the kids have abandoned from various apartments. items for Goodwill and much more. My plan is to paint it and do a little decorating in a patriotic theme once the junk is gone. I thought it would only take a couple of days, but of course one thing leads to another and it’s become a much bigger job. Once I’m finished this red, white (tan) and blue quilt will find a home here.
The rest of my spare time is being spent making baby quilts. I’m planning a baby quilt blitz starting Monday, June 30 and continuing for 10-12 days. If you need a quick and easy project for a baby gift or donation, stop back next week for some ideas.
Be sure to check out other Whoop Whoop projects at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
I don’t know the pattern name, either, but I’ve seen several different versions that use that combination of two rectangles, and I love them all. Thanks for sharing this one!