The phrase “the joy of grandchildren” can be interpreted in two ways. First is the joy that grandparents have with their grandchildren. The absolute highlight of our week is the time we spend with our two little ones. It is exhausting, but we love watching them grow and learn from week to week.
The second meaning of the phrase is the inherent joy within little kids. We witnessed this kind of joy last weekend at our granddaughter’s third birthday party. This celebration was very emotional for a number of reasons. First, where did three years go? I can’t believe she is already a toddler (with a mind of her own!). Due to COVID she didn’t have a birthday party last year so it was especially fun to celebrate her special day this year. Best of all was getting caught up in her excitement. When we sang “happy birthday”, she giggled and was almost overcome with happiness. It was a moment of pure joy.
After more than a year of missing milestones, holidays, and celebrations, it is wonderful to get caught up in the joy. Our little granddaughter may not remember her third birthday party, but I hope she always feels the love that surrounded her that day!
Women of the Bible Blocks 23 and 24
I have to admit, I am not familiar with the names Shiprah and Puah. I do remember their story though. They were the midwives who defied Pharoah’s orders to kill all male Hebrew babies. God blessed them because they honored the lives of all babies. Shiprah and Puah are mentioned by name in Exodus 1: 15-21.
Dorcas (Tabitha in Aramaic) was a woman who spent her life in charitable service to those less fortunate. As others were mourning her death, the disciples sent for the apostle Peter. When he arrived, he prayed over her and said, “Tabitha, arise.” He reached out his hand and Dorcas arose from the dead. Her story is told in Acts 9:36-42.
Have a joyful Sunday!