For some reason, Jon Acuff’s writing really resonates with me. I have read all his books at least once and his latest, Soundtracks, is a gem (look for a review of this book very soon). Anyway, Jon recently posted on his Instagram account (@jonacuff) an offhand remark made by John C. Maxwell. You probably recognize John C. Maxwell’s name, as he is a well-known pastor, speaker, and author of dozens of books on leadership.
John Maxwell was asked, “What’s the first thought you had when you woke up?” and he replied, “I can’t wait to add value to someone’s life today!”
Whoa! That stopped me right in my tracks and made me think about what I am doing to add value to other people’s lives. Most of us are ordinary people, leading ordinary lives, but we can still do simple things to lift others. We all look for purpose in our lives and often that purpose is related to how we help others.
Thursday, May 27 was the final day for the Fox Cities COVID-19 Vaccination Center. I worked there as a non-medical volunteer since early February. Many times, it seemed that my role was insignificant. I worked in several areas during that time, sometimes in a crowd control type capacity, but most frequently I had one-on-one contact with those being vaccinated.
It was then that I knew none of our jobs was insignificant. People were excited to talk! Some were eager to tell us what they were most looking forward to doing once they had their vaccine. Others were needle-shy and just needed a little reassurance. Some people were so happy they literally cried tears of joy.
After the clinic closed, a volunteer appreciation event was held. This was the first time we had seen each other without masks, and it was wonderful to see actual smiles. Several local dignitaries spoke and reminded us of the difference we had made for so many people in the community. The celebration truly wasn’t about us, though. It was about people being able to visit family, being able to get haircuts, go to the doctor or dentist, or go shopping in person. It was about celebrations and reunions and a sense of normalcy.
The event was bittersweet knowing we would not be going back but I can honestly say, in my 50-plus years of volunteering, this was the most rewarding.
Women of the Bible Quilt
May was a super busy month, and I got behind on posting but am up to date with my blocks. June will be even busier so I hope I can keep up!!
Block 27 is the Samaritan Woman. She is the woman who encountered Jesus in Samaria at a well. She is credited with teaching many of the Samaritans about Jesus. Her story is told in John 4.
Block 28 is Anna. She was at the temple when Mary brought the baby Jesus in for the common practice of purification. Anna was a prophetess who immediately recognized Jesus for the Savior he is. Her story is told in Luke 2.
Block 29 is Priscilla who traveled with Paul after Jesus’s crucifiction. She was a devoted teacher of early Christianity. You can read about her in Romans 16.
Block 30 is Joanna. Joanna is one of the women at the tomb to witness the stone rolled away.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Rhonda, you are a light in so many people’s lives, mine in particular. I enjoy —and admire — your kindness, your thoughtfulness, your generosity, and your spunk accompanied by a gentle spirit. You do make a difference in many, many lives.