For the past several years, it seems as though I run a marathon EVERY DAY from about November 1 to January 1. This year it started around Labor Day and it wasn’t until yesterday I was finally able to sit and catch my breath. While much of it is fun stuff; travel, visits with family and friends and holiday preparations, it still takes its toll. It seems like forever since I’ve had any time to sew.
Shortly after November’s retreat, I loaded the quilt Jen made on the frame. It is still there and only about 1/4 quilted. I missed the four patch challenge with my quilting group, I missed December’s One Monthly Goal and I have a couple hours work to finish my last (EVER!) commission quilt. In all fairness, though, I finished that quilt once only to have the client request additional work on it. Sewing-wise, hardly anything has been accomplished recently and I had such lofty goals!
So, yesterday, when I got back in the sewing room I was overwhelmed. There were so many unfinished projects and so many new ideas swirling around in my head, I was paralyzed and had a hard time committing to anything. This is what I should have been doing—anything on this list.
Yep, only one thing checked off December’s list…a single half-hour project!! But, what did I work on yesterday? The most mindless task in my sewing room. Making Waves, was the first quilt I started in 2016. It was a stashbuster that required 576 half square triangles. All the triangles were sewn, but the blocks were not pieced. After a few hours, I have most of the quarter block units complete and hope to finish all the blocks today. I would like to get this project off my sewing table because I came up with a new half square triangle project for 2017 and I’m excited to start cutting for that!
Sometime this week, I’ll go through my files and make a final accounting of last year’s accomplishments and set a few sewing goals for this year. It’s always fun to look back and see the quilts that did come to fruition!
On the non-sewing front, we looked out the window yesterday and saw this:
This was a first and quite a surprise since there really aren’t any woods around here. They were quite content to walk through the neighborhood yards to check everything out and seemed quite comfortable even when I stepped out on the deck to take some pictures.
They were fun to see, but I know deer can be quite destructive to vegetation so hope they were just visting!
The fact that they were driven into your neighborhood means there’s a food shortage out in their neighborhood. I’m betting you’ll see them again. I’m so glad to see you are getting back to sewing time! Your 2016 HST project is beautiful. I think I’d be a little sick of HST by now, though. LOL