My quest for having a tidy sewing room is never-ending. However, in Sewing Room Cleaning Part 2, I have a little progress to report.
My ironing board is clear! This makes me so happy. If I had a quilt top to press, there would be room to do it! I have a wool pressing mat on top of the big board. I like the wool mat, but I still use a white bath towel on top of it. The towel has a little bit of nap that holds the fabric in place and has a little bit of give so seams press nice and flat. The added bonus is that the wool mat stays clean and I can just toss the towel in the wash when it gets scorched or collects thread. If you don’t press with a towel on your ironing board, give it a try to see if you like it. I’ve used one for at least 25 years and would not press without it.
Even more progress was made with the bins and cubbies. All the random fabric was folded and put away. Now these bins hold current projects or fabric for current projects.
Three of my current works in progress are scrappy. It always makes a huge mess when I have to paw through bins to find fabric. At least now there is a home for these bins and they are not on the floor where I’m tripping over them. It was a good decision when I put my ironing board on top of these cube storage units. They are just inexpensive units from Target (shop here). I have two units side by side and the big board sits right on top. The cubbies provide a lot of storage and the bins make projects or fabric easy to access and put back away. I also have pressing spray, water bottles, snips and scissors, lint rollers, and a tape measure in one of the bins so these items are always handy.
Now the Reward
Did you challenge yourself with a cleaning goal last week? If so, why not give yourself a reward. Start a fun new project or set aside a little more time to work on an ongoing project. Now that another area in your sewing room is tidy, why not enjoy it by spending some time in there? I plan to make a spring table runner with the new “Cha Cha” pattern by Atkinson Design (available here). I have a charm pack of Sunday Stroll by Bonnie and Camille. There is a strawberry print in the line that will be cute for spring!
Next Week’s Challenge
Now that sewing room cleaning part 2 is complete it is time to move on to part 3. Like I said in the beginning, cleaning my sewing room is a never-ending process. I usually have several projects going at the same time and I’m not good about putting them away after working on them. Hopefully, that will be better since rearranging the bins by the ironing board. What I need to tackle next is my sewing table and this stack of paperwork (and junk!).
This storage unit (the same one as the ironing station) was originally intended to be a small ironing station by the sewing machine. I never used it for that and now it is an easy place to deposit things I don’t want to deal with. The sewing table is another place that collects a lot of STUFF. Patterns I’m thinking about, notebooks of ideas, magazines, pens, markers, fabric, books…It goes on and on. My goal this week is to clear both of these hotspots. Hope you set a goal and join me in having a tidy and restful sewing room by the end of the month!