A few posts ago I mentioned that the pattern for the Buffalo Ridge quilt had you make twice as many flying geese units as was really needed. So I had 144 geese left over from that quilt. I’m trying to deal with leftovers right away so they don’t get lost in all the sewing room clutter. I came up with this block to use the geese. I got 18 blocks from the leftover geese. That meant I needed an alternate block to make a decent size quilt.
After playing around in EQ7 for awhile I decided this block would work well so I made 17 of them.
All the blocks are made and I have a few on the design “wall”. I’m hoping the secondary pattern will look like light and dark circles. What do you think? I hope to find time this week to sew them together and find out! Be sure to check out what everyone else is working on at Patchwork Times
Greetings Rhonda. Another Rhonda here in Texas. Love what you’ve done with your leftover geese. You have a great idea of using things right away.
How smart are you, using those extras up so soon!! I love your design! This is going to be a great quilt.
Hi Rhonda! I live in Green Bay. I like your blocks very much. Isn’t it great when you can use up leftover blocks?
Great way to use up leftovers.
Great use of the extra blocks. I am impressed that you are making something with them right away.
Good for you figuring out how to use all those extra geese!