This is the time of year when many people set resolutions and select words of the year. Historically I haven’t done either of those, but this year I resolve to get rid of my flannel fabric and my word of the year is “scraps.”
Even though I regularly use flannel for donation quilts, there is still a lot in my stash. It is bulky and takes up way too much room on the shelves. Because of the bulk, I don’t like to use it for intricate piecing so the quilts I make from it are kind of boring. This year, though, I am making a focused effort to use as much as possible and get rid of the rest at the end of the year.
This is the first quilt in my flannel de-stash mission. It is Scrappy Trips. Over the years I’ve made a couple of these and I don’t use a pattern. This quilt works great for random 2-1/2″ strips because almost any fabric works for this block. I’m sure there are many tutorials for this online, but Bonnie Hunter has a step-by-step tutorial for making this quilt here. With a border, it only takes 24 blocks to make a donation quilt, so it’s quick and easy.
As for scraps…oh my goodness, they are never-ending. I KNOW FOR FACT, they breed when I’m not looking. I am constantly making scrap quilts, but it always seems like I end up with more than I started with. This situation is REALLY out of control. Haha! Another quick and easy scrap quilt for 2-1/2″ strips is Road to Oklahoma. Way back in 2014, I wrote a little pattern for this quilt and you can access it at the link on this post..
Recently, I started this Road to Oklahoma with a random jelly roll from my stash. I’m not crazy about it, but will eventually finish and donate it. I pulled out a couple of boxes of red 2-1/2″ strips and think they would make a nice Road to Oklahoma. I remember Mary Ellen Hopkins (one of my first quilt teachers) saying all reds go together. I’ve always wanted to test that theory so stay tuned to see if it’s true.
Another thing coming in 2024 from Patchwork Sampler is the Peace Star Quilt pattern.
This is my first test sample of this quilt. There is also a fat-quarter-friendly version and a bigger size. Once I’ve tested both of those, the pattern will be ready to release. Unfortunately, I just haven’t had much time in the sewing room lately.
That’s not all. If you’ve been with me for any length of time, you know my head is always spinning with new ideas. I’m trying to figure out the logistics for hosting a quilt along; maybe even with the Road to Oklahoma scrap quilt. That would give me an incentive to update the pattern and add it to the Free Resource Library.
There will also be another block series starting in March so watch for more information on that.
If you have more fabric and scraps than you know what to do with, stick with me through 2024 and I will help you get it off the shelf and into quilts!
I think the easiest solution of all would be to just box up all of my scraps and send them to you!