It’s been so cold here in Northeast Wisconsin I can hardly believe it’s June. The thermometer said 38 degrees this morning around 6:00 AM. I love hot weather and was so jealous when the Weather Channel reported that the temperature in Atlanta reached 90 degrees yesterday. I wish they could send some of that our way.
Last weekend we went camping at Point Beach State Park. It’s a beautiful park right on Lake Michigan. One of the best features of the park is the bike paths. On Saturday we took a ride into Two Rivers where I visited Sew Much Wool Quilt Shop. It’s a very nice shop right on the main drag through town (Washington St.). In an effort to reduce my UFOs and stash I’ve stayed away from quilt shops since closing mine last fall so it was fun to look at the new stuff. I was pretty good about buying but I did pick up a new book called Scrap Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett. I LOVE this book. I’ve been looking at the pictures since I bought it. There are 18 projects that all use 2-1/2″ strips of fabric. Since I’ve been collecting these strips for about 10 years I can’t wait to make some of these great quilts. As a bonus, the quilting shows up nicely in all the book photos so it should be east to come up with similar quilting designs for the quilts. Now I just have to finish a couple of other projects before I start another one.