For years I’ve told my husband I’d like to have a big building for quilting. Not only would I have a big building to hold all my sewing stuff, I’d have a place for friends to hang out and sew. It’s probably not going to happen because there are city ordinances against putting up a big building in your backyard and Jim won’t let me knock out the walls in this house. LOL! It would just be great to have quilt alongs all the time though.
Recently, however, I’ve discovered online quilt alongs (I know, where have I been?) and I want to join every one. It’s not like I need any more projects, but they are so tempting. A few weeks ago I saw the Star Surround Quilt Along at Melissa Corry’s Happing Quilting Blog (details here). I really liked the quilt but didn’t think I had time to start something else. Then I started seeing blocks from the Quilt Along on other blogs and felt my resolve weakening. The final straw was last week when I cleaned my son’s room and decided to do a little redecorating in there since he’s married and doesn’t live here anymore. If I redecorated I would NEED a new quilt for that room! So I kind of reached a compromise with myself. I’ll get a coverlet for the bed and just make four blocks for a bed runner. Win-win! Now I just need to finish it before the 16th when Melissa hosts the Star Surround blog parade.
Here’s my first block:
As promised, there is another give-away this week. Just leave a comment saying whether or not you’ve participated in a Quilt Along and if so, did you keep up and finish the project. On Friday, I’ll pick a name at random to win two of these Moda Wren & Friends charm packs.
Good luck!!
I have never participated in a sew along, although the swoon one almost got me in. I do not know how to post pictures and other computer related issues.
Retirement is coming very soon so maybe I will learn some new skills.
I tried the Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler one, but trying to get those little 6″ blocks done in the middle of other projects was beyond me after a while. One more UFO! One more project with it’s designated fabrics and space in my sewing space that has my organization blocked. Arg.
I have never done a quilt along, but would love to. I just cannot afford the fabric, my income is less than four hundred dollars monthly. I love any fabric with birds, they are very popular for charity quilts along with brights. Babscorbitt@ gmail dot com
One quilt-a-long helped me stay motivated. I enjoyed the challenge and will do another one—-but only one at a time!
I have not join a quilt-a-long yet! I never seem to have enough time to add one more thing to my list of projects.
No bit I would love to
Oh, yes, quilt alongs and stitch alongs. And run a couple, too. I like Patchwork Times (Judy Laquidara) because she divides them into steps that are easily accomplished and then in a couple or three weeks, you have a top!
I did the Bonnie Hunter mystery “Easy Street” for 2012, and I finished the units but putting the blocks together is going very s-l-o-w-l-y.
I am doing the Star Surround quilt-a-long too, with mostly fabrics out of my stash, but I won’t be able to finish in time, because I started later and only have time to sew on weekends. But I am really liking the result.
I did my first Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt along last christmas. I’ve started putting the rows together, but don’t have the top done yet.