Judy at Patchwork Times recently had a quilt along for her Sunny Side Up quilt. I pulled fabric with every intent of sewing along but it just didn’t happen. This week I finally got busy on it and am very pleased with my progress. The top should be finished in time to start her next quilt along, Road to Llano. If you would like to sew along with everyone on that quilt, the fabric requirements are here.
This is my stack of chain blocks for Sunny Side Up. All 18 blocks are finished and pressed.
Now I’m working on the Ohio Star blocks. I’m really liking it so far.
Jim is out of town for meeting the next couple of days so it will be pedal to the metal sewing while he’s gone!
The instructions for this quilt are still on the Patchwork Times website here.
I love the background fabric you’ve chosen. This will be beautiful.