On Monday we returned home from our trip to France. It was a wonderful vacation and it was so nice to spend some time with Bryan, Laura, my mom and my aunt. I took about 1,000 pictures and will post some of the best ones after I edit them all. That will take awhile but it will be fun to re-live the memories.
I’ve only managed to sew a tiny bit this week. It’s been hard to get back into the swing of things so I worked a on the Road to Llano quilt from Patchwork Times. I was all caught up on this quilt before I left but it’s moving along quickly and now I’m several steps behind.
All the sub-units were assembled so it was easy to sew the blocks together for Step 4.
When I saw Step 5 it looked kind of difficult. Fortunately everything went together pretty well. The real test will be when I get to Step 6 and sew these units together to make the setting and corner triangles. My fingers are crossed that they fit!!
This may be all I finish for the next few days. Some friends of Jen’s are coming up from Madison for the weekend and I need to get all my sewing stuff put away so they can stay in the basement. Plus, I’m still catching up on laundry and other household chores that were neglected the past two weeks. It’s so hard to sneak in quality sewing time…sigh…
I will be looking forward to seeing the photos of your trip to France. Enjoy reading your blog.