Saturday was National Sew A Jelly Roll Day and that’s exactly what I did. Currently, I am obsessed with the triangle in a square block (tri-recs). The idea for this quilt has been floating around in my head for awhile so I finally grabbed a jelly roll and sewed strips together in sets of three. I then cut the strip sets with the center (larger) part of the tri-recs, cut some solid off-white with the recs part and made lots of blocks. Very quick and easy.
Now I’m in the tedious part—sewing the blocks together. The rows are all sewn and now I just have to sew the rows together. After the top is pieced, I’ll decide whether or not to add a border. The jelly roll is a Moda called “Desert Bloom” by Sheri and Chelsi. When the blocks were on the design wall my husband said they looked like candy corn so maybe that’s what I’ll call this quilt. I’m so bad at thinking up names!
So who else spent Saturday sewing a jelly roll? Scrolling through my Instagram feed I saw quite a few (#projectjellyroll) that looked fun and interesting. My stash is so large that I don’t use too many pre-cuts, but I have to say I really liked being able to just grab a jelly roll and start sewing.
Often while working on a project, I think about what I would do differently if I made it again. This one was no exception and I’ve thought of a couple variations I might try. First, I’ll finish the top, then quilt it to see if I like it enough to make it again. So far, though, it’s showing promise.
Linking up today with Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts and Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up Quilts. Be sure to stop by those sites and take a look at other Monday projects.
I like what you did with your jelly roll! I did not get to spend the day working with a jelly roll, but I did get bindings on some wall hangings.
I like that your quilt doesn’t look like a jelly roll quilt. Those little blocks are so interesting with the triangle shapes! It will be fun to see how you quilt it and to hear if there are any changes you would make. Thanks for linking to Main Crush Monday! I didn’t get to sew on Saturday, but I have plenty of jelly rolls to work with!
I like what you did with your jelly roll. I wasn’t paying attention. For how long I don’t know. I NEVER heard of National Sew a jelly roll day. What country is that celebrated in???
I love your quilt, and I agree with Beth, it doesn’t look like a jelly roll quilt, and that’s a good thing. 🙂 Not that I have anything against jelly roll quilts. But I like yours especially.
Had no idea that candy corn could bloom in the desert 😀 Looks fabulous.