Since Thanksgiving I’ve had this in my sewing room.
It’s a twin bed! Just to the left of it is a sofa. There is just enough room to walk between them to get to the sewing table and about the same amount of room at the end for cutting table access. Worst of all, it’s a flat surface so stuff tends to accumulate there—patterns, fabrics, papers, etc.
This is an extra bed and is only used when we lots of friends or family stay over and usually that only happens once or twice a year. For the past eight years we’ve had at least one kid in college. Neither of them has lived in the same place two years in a row or had the same roommate combination two years in a row. That means we’re always storing furniture that’s not being used in the current year just in case it’s needed the following year. In addition to beds, we have sofas, futons, tables, chairs, lamps, and bookcases taking up space here.
I decided that today was the last day I’m going to walk around that bed in the sewing room. Now that it’s summer I can walk outside so I folded the treadmill, moved a loveseat and then hauled the bed into the downstairs family room. It’s tucked away along the wall that leads to the storage room so it won’t be in anyone’s way. Since no one needs to sleep on that bed and it’s pretty dark down in that corner I think I’ll bring out some quilts that are folded and stored in the closet and stack them up flat on the bed.
Now I could dance in this room. It feels so spacious.
The next project? Put away all this stuff that I moved off the bed and onto the couch. I gotta have my thinking couch!! Let’s hope that tidiness leads to productivity.
Are you wondering why you didn’t do this sooner? =) How lovely not to be tripping over the bed!