We finally got the precipitation we’d been praying for all summer—a day long strong, steady, soaking rain. Even though it came late in the season (and on a Saturday!) we weren’t complaining. All summer long we’d seen the billboard along Highway 41 advertising the Ansel Adams exhibit at the Paine in Oshkosh and kept saying we’d like to see it. It was a perfect day for a museum visit so we finally went, It was a beautiful exhibit and I was glad we finally made it down there.
The photographs were amazing and the narratives gave some insight into the measures Adams would take to capture the image. He lugged pounds and pounds of equipment through mountains and deserts and would wait hours for the lighting to be just right. He was an amazing artist who really worked to produce on paper what he saw in his mind. I couldn’t get over how skilled he was in developing the film to get the crispness and contract in the photographs, especially back in the 20’s and 30’s. It was worth the trip! The Paine is such a pretty place anyway, even in the rain.
We stopped at Zuppa’s for a delicious lunch, then headed home to spend the rest of the day watching college football. It was a lazy day and I didn’t get much sewing done. I only made a little progress on the Piebirds blocks. I’m so close to finishing them. We’ll be taking Jen back down to Madison tomorrow so I probably won’t get much done then either.