Yesterday Jim and I went down to Madison with Jen to move her into a new apartment for school this fall. Madison is always an adventure on “Moving Day” and we lucked out a little bit this year. Nearly all leases around campus run from August 15-August 14. That means most apartments are being emptied on the 14th and belongings are being stored in cars, vans, motel rooms and the streets until students can move into their new places on the 15th. This year, however, the owners of Jen’s new apartment allowed her and her roommate to move in a couple of days early so we could just move straight from one place to another. It was so nice and we were able to get everything finished in one day. Even the weather cooperated–sunny with temps in the low 70s.
I have never been so happy to move one of my kids out of an apartment more than I was yesterday. The place she was living is in deplorable condition. I’m really not sure how they could even get an occupancy permit from the city in order to rent that place to students. Anyway, she’s out of there now and living in the cutest little CLEAN house on the quiet side of campus.
Woo hoo!
After the move was finished we celebrated the end of an era by going for pizza at Café Porta Alba. After nine straight years, this will be our last college moving day because our baby is now a senior!
During the drive I managed to finish the binding on this log cabin quilt. I just love the citrus colors of the fabric. It’s from the Pop Garden line by Heather Bailey.
I’m still working to improve my machine quilting skills and I tried quilting curved feathers in the setting triangles. They’re certainly not perfect but fairly decent for a first try.

The diagonal stripe was just perfect for the binding!
That’s the cutest house – too bad she couldn’t live there until this year! No graduate school, eh? =)