This quilt started as a sample for a demo I did on mitered borders.
This quilt is finished now, but it has a secret! About a third of the quilting was finished when I ran out of thread and found out that particular blue and yellow variegated thread had been discontinued. I tried to find a suitable replacement but had no luck so the project was abandoned. Recently it turned up in a stack of UFO’s and I decided to just GET IT DONE! I had a spool of Maxi-Lock blue and white variegated so I used it. I don’t think anyone will know the difference. Ugh! I should have finished this a long time ago!
The picture on the left is the original thread and the one on the right is the replacement. The difference in thread may not be obvious but the difference in my machine quilting skills sure is! This is a good example of how practice pays off. LOL!
As I mentioned in the beginning, this was for a mitered border class. Usually I just add straight borders but after seeing this one, I may try for more mitered ones. I sure like the way it looks, especially when there are three or more borders. What do you think? Do you miter your borders or do straight corners?
I have been known to miter, but I usually do corners. The quilt looks great and finished is always good. Congratulations on another UFO out of the pile.