Road to Oklahoma Quilt
Desert Peaks Quilt
Step Right Up Quilt

Hello Friends

Do you love fabric? Have you collected enough to last a lifetime? It's time to use that fabric, make some quilts, and have fun doing it.

I am so glad you are here. My goal is to provide fun, easy patterns that will help you get your stash off the shelf and into a quilt. Have loads of UFOs and WIPs? I can help motivate you to finish those too.

I love to share tips and techniques that I have learned over the years that will help you make quilts more quickly and with greater accuracy.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive more quilty fun directly to your inbox!


I am so happy to have you here. I am Rhonda and quilting has been my passion for over 30 years. Like many of you, I have reached the point of SABLE (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy).

I love working with fabric and making quilts. My quilts tend to be simple designs that allow the fabric to do the heavy lifting. Over the years I've made hundreds of quilts and hope to make hundreds more. I hope you will look around the website and find some inspiration to create your own beautiful quilts.

This website is a work in progress. Over the next couple of months I will add some tutorials, tips, and techniques that will encourage you to try some new things. I hope you stop back often to take a look around and see what's new.


Latest Posts

The Celebrate Quilt Block 4

By Rhonda R / June 8, 2023

Today we celebrate the arrival of Block 4 of The Celebrate Quilt. This month you will make an 18″ square chunk of the quilt.  Here is a quick tutorial to walk you through the block construction. You should have received…

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Monday Motivation: Challenge Yourself

By Rhonda R / June 5, 2023

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with quilting? When you enter your sewing room do you think you can never use all your stash or finish your UFOs? As you scroll through Instagram do you ever see a quilt and think…

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A Patriotic Finish

By Rhonda R / June 2, 2023

This red, white, and blue quilt is another project from “the basket” I have been clearing out this month. It is just a coincidence that it is a holiday quilt that qualified for the May challenge. This project was abandoned…

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granny square

Most of my quilts are donated, but I offer a few at very reasonable prices for sale in this Etsy shop.


Scaredy Cat IG

Here you can find photos of some of the quilts I have made over the years. I hope to do better going forward about photographing projects as I complete them!

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